Let's Learn About My Outdoor Adventures


We are just planting potatoes today, and we have already planted alpine strawberries, brussel sprouts, peas, green mustard, rosemary, and parsley. My mom and I planted five different kinds of alpine strawberries, and they are already outside in the ground. We also have some plants growing inside that we started a while ago, and we have only planted about three quarters of the plants outside. Some of the ones outside are just from seeds and were not started inside with special care. The plants we have inside right now are basil, morning glory flowers, and garden beans that have already flowered (whoopsie daisy). Soon we are going to plant more morning glories since my cat chewed off most of the leaves so they are no longer very pretty. We are most likely going to plant onions and scallions today. We also might buy some more plants.


I like birds, such as bluebirds, blue herons, hummingbirds, and owls. At my house we have birdhouses that they are nesting in. The eggs are small and the babies are cute and blackish gray. There are also worms in the garden and sometimes we find little babies such as the ones below.

I usually ride my bike 2-4 days a week after school at night and on sunny weekends. I will also run around kicking a ball or trying to score a goal in soccer against only my mom. I will also throw a ball with my mom or play frisbee. I always have fun and sometimes at my moms house I will rarely use my scooter since that is all I have there other than my roller blades. I'm almost always wanting to play outside and usually don't want to come back in. I am always either with my sister, mom, dad, both mom and sister, both of my parents, or both my dad and sister.